
It is a small and exciting project just for fun as “Porting Inferno OS to Raspberry Pi”. Of course to run it there as native, not hosted. It was always declared that this OS is very simple for porting to new platforms, so let’s just research this and reach new distilled experiences of system programming. Also this OS is very small, simple and easy to tweak for research purposes.

It is organized it as some set of small labs with very detailed steps of what is done to reach results and make everything easy to reproduce.

To keep track of codebase of the Inferno OS on Raspberry Pi Labs we created the google code project to keep the repository and do other stuff related to the labs managements:


Season 1: Road to boot…

N Name
1. Lab 1, Compiler
2. Lab 2, Hardware
3. Lab 3, R-Pi Booting process
4. Lab 4, Loading kernel
5. Lab 5, Hello World
6. Lab 6, Compile something
7. Lab 7, linking, planning next
8. Lab 8, memory model
9. Lab 9, coding assembler part
10. Lab 10, Bss, memory pools, malloc
11. Lab 11, _div, testing print
12. Lab 12, interrupts, part 1
13. Lab 13, interrupts, part 2
14. Lab 14, interrupts, part 3
15. Lab 15, Eve, Hello World from Limbo!

Season 2: Close to hardware…

N Name
16. Lab 16, Adding clocks, timers, converging to 9pi codes
17. Lab 17, initialization of MMU
18. Lab 18, we have a screen!
19. Lab 19, keyboard through serial, fixes to get Ls
20. Lab 20, devusb, usbdwc and firq, first step to usb
21. Lab 21, porting usbd, fixed in allocb, see usb in actions
22. Lab 22, Usb keyboard
23. Lab 23, hard disk or SD card
24. Lab 24, network, part 1
25. Lab 25, network, part 2
26. Lab 26, floating point